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Normally Reynolds breezed through airport checkpoints easily. It's unknown if she was on duty at the time. The pretty flight attendant arrived at an LAX checkpoint in Terminal 4 wearing jeans, Gucci heels, and a winning smile.Īffixed to her black suit jacket was her JetBlue crew member badge, identifying her as a flight attendant. Kennedy Airport on Wednesday.Īuthorities say Reynolds aroused suspicion on Friday when Transportation Security Administration officials asked her to step aside at a random checkpoint at LAX. Marsha Gay Reynolds surrendered to federal agents in New York City when she stepped off a flight at John F.

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Flight Attendant Kicked Off Gucci Heels and Fled LAX, Leaving 70 Pounds of Cocaine Behindīy Sandra Rose | Thursday, March 24, 2016Ī JetBlue flight attendant was busted in NYC after she kicked off her expensive designer heels and fled LAX Airport, leaving 70 pounds of cocaine behind.

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