The end, through wildly improbable heroics, though not withoutĬost and self-sacrifice, our heroes prevail.Īnd yet Space Cowboys is nothing like the earlier film. Government’s interests, who of course nearly ruins everything. Military character with a covert mission to protect the Last our heroes head for the stars, accompanied by a token Some friction with the space program’s regular astronauts. Love-interest subplot involving the youngest team member, and A training sequence follows as the would-beĪstronauts are brought up to speed for their mission.
Signed up, even one (the youngest) who harbors a grudge against Since he has the government over aīarrel, they agree and soon the nominated team members have
The designer agrees to do the job, but only if Technology requires the intimate technical expertise of the man Outer-space mission utilizing a government-misappropriated Structurally, the plot of Space Cowboys is almost