Vintage gay porn mission accomplished

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Afterward, homophobe Steve Hammond and two other guys try to gay-bash the two public-sex lovers. The look of pain and ecstasy on Dowell's face as Pulver's massive penis rams its way into him (Pulver actually lays on top of him to hold him down) is nothing short of wondrous. Marine Jim Pulver (then at the height of his physical, sexual, and charismatic power) plows this one-shot-wonder named Ted Dowell in a railroad car. The film's first scene is a powerhouse sizzler: Former U.S. The two wacky kids hate each other, of course. Director Matt Sterling actually appears in the film's opening scenes as the 'Father' who sends sons Jeff Stryker and Steve Hammond on a mission to find his lost treasure (no, I do not make this shit up). Jeff Stryker butt-fucked him bareback in 1986 in only the third Jeff Stryker film to be made, Stryker Force.

He was supposed to be the 'Next Big Thing' in the mid-1980s.

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